Wednesday, August 27, 2014

GA227: Freshmen works

Figure Drawing:

Clothed Figure
Academic Drawing
Cicero Cast Drawing

So the pieces that I decided to put up from my freshmen year at Ringling are from the figure drawing class. I'd say that the area that I improved on the most is definitely in figure drawing as I self-studied Glen Vilppu's methods and got pretty far from where I started in the beginning of the year. In comparison to the typical observational drawing figure drawing that we're taught in class, I preferred the more construction based figure drawing method by Vilppu. This definitely is a plus for us Game-Art students as it forces us to think in 3D space and get used to the construction of the human body. One thing that did drag me down though were the shading aspects as Vilppus method was more focused on showing the form through conceptual lighting (look up his works and you'll see its similar to wire-frames). FYI the academic drawing does not reflect the conceptual lighting as that piece was experimental and kind of a failure in terms of what I tried to achieve. 

The pieces that I picked don't exactly show everything I've learnt as they're just homework/ assignments. For example the cast drawing shows nothing that resembles Vilppus methods due to the forced cast drawing shading but the construction of the face is well defined (for the most part). I do not believe that these pieces are better than any of my sketchbook pieces that I do for practice as in my opinion, once you've become somewhat proficient at doing what you do, any work that you do should be on par or better than your previous pieces. I do have to admit that I'm probably very rusty now as I'm trying to learn how paint (mainly digital). Hopefully I would be able to achieve the same kind of progress in painting as I did with my figure drawing!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

GA227: Favorite Game Trailer

Monster Hunter Frontier G

To be frank, I do not have a favorite trailer per se. I love games for what they are so just seeing a sneak peak/ announcement of it does not make me to crazy as it might to some people. I chose Monster Hunter Frontier G's trailer as my favorite simply because Monster Hunter is a great franchise and my best friend introduced it to me back in the day. I had my doubts whether or not I was going to like the game and money is quite scarce when you're 11 years old. To simply put it, a genuinely great game mixed together with nostalgia is something hard to pass upon. Especially when you find out that the game has grown from the old Ad Hoc party system to a full blown MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online).

A hunting game with epic looking monsters is something that will easily draw anyone into the game. Especially when you find out the sheer amount of customization and crafting that one can dive into. It is hard to fully explain all the great parts of the game so just go try it yourself. Trailer wise the most stand out part for me is that the trailer shows the epic monsters that the players will encounter (with its erratic cinematography) alongside with the village-life aspect of the game. The trailer basically cuts all the intense hunting that you'll see in combat with the more cheerful and lively aspect of the village that serves as the hub. That to me shows how the studio (or whoever made the trailer) understands that what they're selling is a "game". I guess that I am simply tired of the current trend of games being all serious. Nothing is wrong with that but sometimes I just want to play games to have fun!